The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.

The Bibliothèque is available at all times from anywhere in the Americas. Up to four books can be borrowed at once by members of the Centre. Books are loaned for 21 days. If a book is not available, you can reserve it. When the book becomes available, you have 72 hours to borrow it from your Bibliothèque des Amériques account.

Activating your access to Bibliothèque des Amériques

All Bibliothèque des Amériques books are available in digital format free of charge to members of the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques.

Access to the Bibliothèque is restricted to residents of the Americas, so IP addresses identified as being outside of the Americas may be blocked.

You can verify the geographic area associated with your IP address using this website:

Becoming a member of the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques is free! All you have to do is follow the five steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Devenez membre, c’est gratuit!” to access the first form.
  3. Fill in your information and click on “Suivant.”
    Note: You must select “Individu” to the question “Êtes-vous un individu ou une organisation?”, as only individuals can become members of the Bibliothèque des Amériques.
  4. Fill in your information in the second form. Under “VOTRE ADHÉSION” and “Abonnement à la Bibliothèque des Amériques,” check the “Abonnement renouvelable d’un an” option.
  5. Click on “Soumettre mon adhésion.”

You will receive an email with an activation link. Click on the link. You’ll be invited to enter the password you wish to use with your Bibliothèque des Amériques account.

You now have access to the Bibliothèque des Amériques!

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Access the Account Manager page by clicking on the “Mon compte” link at the bottom left corner of the webpage.
  3. “Membre individuel” should be indicated under “Votre adhésion.”
    Note: If you have selected “Organisation” when creating your account, you cannot access the Bibliothèque des Amériques. In this case, you have two options: 1) You can open an account using a different email address. 2) You can close your “Organisation” account by clicking on the “Supprimer mon compte” link and open a new “Membre individuel” account by following the instructions above.
  4. If you have a “Membre individuel” account, you should see your registration status under “Inscription à la Bibliothèque.” If your status indicates “Courant,” you already have access to the Bibliothèque and just need to go to the borrowing area. If it indicates “Vous n’êtes pas inscrit à la bibliothèque,” click on the “Modifier” button.
  5. In the new window, select the activation to the Bibliothèque and click on the confirmation button.

You now have access to the Bibliothèque des Amériques!

Reading e-books from the Bibliothèque des Amériques

If you are an individual member of the Centre and your membership to the Bibliothèque des Amériques is activated, you can choose from the many options available to borrow your first book.

There are three digital playback options available, each having its own benefits and limitations. Note that it is possible to use all of these options depending on your preferences and reading environment.

This mobile app is an all-in-one solution. With it, you can consult the catalogue of the Bibliothèque des Amériques as well as borrow and read books. There is no need to download your book and open it using a third-party app. Books purchased or borrowed outside the Bibliothèque des Amériques can also be imported into the app.

This option is only suitable for smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. You can consult the list of compatible reading devices and applications here.

Instructions on how to install the app

Instructions for connecting to the Bibliothèque des Amériques

Once the app is installed on your mobile device, follow the steps below:

 iOS (Apple)

Android (Google)

You can use your regular reading app.


  • You must download the e-book to your reading device.
  • You must have an account with Adobe and link it to your reading app (if you are not using Thorium Reader).
  • You must also load the downloaded e-book into the app.


Mobile device


For all other questions about the Bibliothèque des Amériques

Are you looking for a particular book in the Bibliothèque des Amériques or do you wish to collaborate with the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques as a publisher or partner? Feel free to contact:

Aleksandra Grzybowska
Bibliothèque des Amériques Coordinator
418-646-3300, ext. 230
[email protected] 

If you require further help with your questions, please contact the Centre at  : [email protected]